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Git Tricks (English)

The presentation is intended to show some useful git commands and approaches related to submodules, tags and branches. It also includes practical advices for some popular problems with these. It would be interesting for intermediate developers working with version control.

Optimizacija jako posećenih WordPress sajtova

Pričaću o tome koliko je WP pogodan za horizontalno skaliranje i kako se može optimizovati za preko 4.000 poseta u paraleli.

A/B testing and usability testing on WordPress (English)

A/B testing can dramatically improve the performances of our online businesses. No matter if you are running an E-Commerce, a publishing site or a personal blog, these tools definitely help our decision making. There are many ways to perform A/B tests, but only a few ways to do them right. My presentation will explore the basics of A/B testing on WordPress, going through the available online tools, the common mistakes and the right procedures.

Towards WordPress High-availability (English)

What should developers/WP users know about replicating WordPress installation for high-availability (replicating files, shared PHP sessions, replicating database, read/write split)

Building SaaS With WordPress (English)

“Building SaaS With WordPress” will cover the process of building a WordPress Software as a Service product. We will discuss the power of WordPress Multisite, existing solutions for leveraging the membership capabilities of a network, handling payments and creating a viable business on top of WordPress. The session will target developers and business owners interested in building a SaaS on top of WordPress.


I would like to speak about WordPress JSON API and new possibility what developer can do with WordPress. With REST API now we can easily fetch content in JSON format, but we can also much easily communicate between frontend and backend. The idea is to motivate developer to use API for creating new cool things with WordPress.

Writing WordPress code that’s universal (English)

I work in the client support team at Presslabs. On a daily basis, we come across issues that our clients face due to plugins and themes not being implemented according to WordPress standards, not being cache-friendly, not going by RFC recommendations, interfering with other plugins and the list goes on. The presentation will outline useful advice for writing WordPress code that is universal and does not necessitate adjusting after switching the theme, activating a plugin or moving to a different host.

Optimizacija Razvojnog Okruženja

Ova demonstracija pokazuje kako od nule napraviti optimizovano razvojno okruženje na svim platformama, sa primarnim fokusom na PHP i WordPress. Takođe pokazuje kako lako integrisati alate poput xDebug, XHProf i Blackfire za debugovanje i optimizaciju samih aplikacija. Prolazi se kroz teme razvoja aplikacije na više PHP instalacija paralelno (5.2, 5.6 i HHVM) i menadžmenta okruženja koristeći WP-CLI.

Unlearn your optimization skills. HTTP/2 is here (English)

With the introduction of HTTP/2, a lot of things are changing. We developers now have to unlearn some of the things that made us excellent, to adapt to a different world.

Launching Your Online Presence the Right Way (English)

The presentation would include my experiences with launching startups using WordPress through:

  1. Easy website setup (best practices for hosting, WordPress install, security…)
  2. Optimizing for search engines & people
  3. Propelling ideas via blogging

WordCamp Belgrade is over. Check out the next edition!